Thu 02 Jan
Your sexy chocolate milk shake Buffy the booty aka the chocolate stallion - 24
(Kansas City, Kansas/independence)
🌟ㄥ🅰©モY🌟 💢SM🔥kING h💨T💢 🔶Bοοτվℓícíouδ🔶 🔸💯%ReaL&ReaD;վ🔸 100 SpeCiaLS!🔘ALL NITE! - 35
(Kansas City, Kci airport in/out)
▬ ♛▬▬ ★♛★★♛★▬ ♛▬▬ ★♛★★♛★▬▬**YOUNG ((BLONDE)) HOTTIE**▬▬▬★♛★▬ SPECIAL$$ ♛▬▬ ★♛★▬ ♛▬▬ ★♛★ - 20
(Kansas City, Kansas City Mo)
Your Best Playtoy With A Sexy Petite Body ( Midwest Hottest Playmate ) - 28
(Kansas City, Your place or mine (Will Travel))
Your AMAZON Fantasy Starts HERE! (6ft3in Tall 36c-32-54) Big Booty! - 27
(Kansas City, Kansas City Outcalls/Incall Independence)
YOUR ~^~ •♥• SEXY ~^~ LITTLE ~^~ SECRET ~^~•♥•~^ U_P__A _L_L__N _I _T_E __•★• - 23
(Kansas City, OutCalls/Incalls)
{{ Y U M M Y }} /// blonde /// {{ K I T T E N }} The /// SWEETEST /// {{ Little }} TREAT Xo LAST DAY - 22
(Kansas City, Kansas City IN or OUT)
YES!! YES!! YES!! oOoOoOo - 22
(Kansas City 100 In or Out Specials)
🌟ㄥ🅰©モY🌟 💢SM🔥kING h💨T💢 🔶Bοοτyℓícíouδ🔶 BlOnDe!🔸💯%ReaL PicS 🔘 WeLL Reviewed & Verified 🔘 - 35
(Kansas City, Kansas City / KCI Airport in&out;'s)
(¯ `v´ ¯) E N D L E S S (¯`v´¯) P O S S I B I L I T I E S (¯ `v´ ¯) - 21
(Kansas City, KC & within 60 mile radius)
💕 αvαiℓabℓε ➜ NOW【 Ultimate Playmate 💖✦❣ⓡeal Freaky💦[✔] 【HIGHLY SKILLED - 21
(Anywhere, Kansas City)
❤ WATCH MY VIDEO ❤ Fun Loving Playmate ❤ Curvy Soft Body ❤ Big Busty Boobs ❤ 38DD ❤ CALL ME - 22
(I - 70 & Noland road (NewLocation)INCALL, Kansas City)
Weekend Specials 🌺 Sweet Southern Hottie. 15min. 80 🌺 30min. 100 🌺 1fh. 170 - 31
(Kansas City, near KCI Airport incalls 🍦 🍒 🍦)
☜☎☜☎ VISTING YANI €xo†ic★ P€r§ian & Whi†€ §†DUC†iV€ ☆†€Mp†r€§§ ☆$100.incall SPECIALS Leaving §⊙⊙N - 21
(Kansas City, Kansas City MO)
v℮Rվ Sε✘վ & ßusτվ c℮rτífí℮d fr℮ᗩk w/KiLL℮r CuRVES......... (also v℮Rվ fUN & cuτ℮!) ~ {{$99}} - 34
UP LATE las vegas bombshellALL natural special all nite SEXY NICOLE is up late! - 21
(Kansas City, PLAZA AREA IN/OUT)
/ / / W H O A! / / / * * This is just what you've been looking for!!! * * - - Devin - 41
~ Visiting Late Wed - Late Fri Night ~ Visiting BBW Seductress ~ Incall Only ~ Highly Reviewed
(Kansas City, Country Club Plaza Area)
* Vanessa Fyne* - ** E V E R Y ** M A N S ** F A N T A S Y ** * Vanessa Fyne* - 22
(WESTPORT incall / outcalls available)
:::Touch you, Tease you, Only I can Please you... Finger Licking Good Blonde...::: - 21
(Kansas City, AIRPORT~ North of the River)
Video PROOF ! 100% REAL and Sexy ! 🎰 Why gamble ? 🎰 When I'm a sure WIN! - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
❤ [[ UPScaLE PeTiTe ExOtiC PLaYmAtE,]]—— [HOT Like Fire] —— [SWEET Like Candy] —— [LeT'S PLaY!] ❤ - 25
(Kansas City, kcmo)
☆_T H _P R F C T_ ☆_C H O i C _ ☆ iF §H§ GOoD ☆ iM BR ! - 18
(Kansas City, kansas city incall)
♥T° °O° °P° ____ °O° °F° __°T° H °E° ____ °L °I° °N°E ♥ - 19
(Kansas City, westport area)
**Thick WHITE blonde bombshell 36 DD Kobi Khole*** - 23
(Kansas City, south & north KC Sports Complex)
💖ThE ULTiMaTe BLondE eXperince🍒KinKy GiRL NexT DooR🍒TempoRaRiLy YouR💖💖 - 25
(Kansas City, worlds of fun area)
❄️🐰tHiCK liKE HoNEy🍯💕 SOft liKE BUttER💋 lEt me fUlfill YoUR fANtASy🙈🏆✨😋 - 22
(Kansas City, KcMo iNcalls & Outcalls 💕)
the most amazing 🌺🌺🌺🌺Japanese 🌹🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺woman for 🌹🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺massages - 22
(Independence, Kansas City)
🍭 🍰 SW££T && TiGHT 💦💦 💋 Perfect 🔟 👑 ❌ kiLLer€uRv£s 💦AvAilABle 📞NoW - 24
(Springfield, Springfield ,surr areas)
°°•○●●○•□♡□♥ Sweet, Sexy , Petite ♥■○■•★°°°°□○■○☆• - 20
(Kansas City, kansas city & surrounding areas)
Sweet & Petite ~*~ Justice ~*~ all natural beauty ~*~ Outcall specials! - 34
(Kansas City, KC metro area/Merriam)
██ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ██ ❤ ▬▬▬ SWEET KOREAN BABY - BEST RATES▬▬▬ ❤ ▬▬▬ ❤ ██ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ - 28
(Kansas City, airport area)
★ { The } ** HOTTEST ** { Co-ed } * B * L * O * N * D * E * { Will } BE { Back } ★ - 22
(Kansas City, kansas city IN or OUT)
♥♡♥ ▒█ T✪✪ ▒█ ╠╣✪T ▒█ T✪ ▒█ ╠╣ANDL€ ▒█ ♥♡♥ ▒█ T✪✪ ▒█ S€x¥ ▒█ Bl✪ND€ ▒█ SPINN€R ♥♡♥▒█ - 25
(Kansas City)
(Kansas City, KCMO)
:" *STUNNING ":*:" *BEAUTIFUL ":*:" *SO SEXY ":*:" EXoTiC ":*:"8166127948 - 21
(Kansas City, Lawrence, ks)
🍰Sweet🍰💋Sexy💋🌹Classy🌹💋One of a Kind💋 816/309/2179 REINA - 43
(Incalls South/ Outcalls ANYWHERE, Kansas City)
SPANK ME Daddy!!! It's my Birthday!!! You wanna lick the icing off? OUT CALLS!! - 26
(Kansas City, Out Call // Your Place)
☆-☆ Sultry Hot *MILF* -♡- In Lingerie and Stockings --☆-☆ ~ (-♡-SEXY -♡-Toned -♡-AMAZING Skills) - 37
(Kansas City, Kansas City Metro Area)
TS vanity M. Thick busty exotic Latina shemale goddess AVAILABLE NOW - 22
(Midtown East, Rockefeller Center manhattan)
@@@@ Sp3CIalZ ... BREATHTAKING @ 2Girl sPecIals.. PromIsed 2Leave u Speechless!! 913 237 4622 - 22
(Kansas City, Everywhere)
(( SpEciaLs ) ) (CoMe PlAy N@KeD TwiSteR with N@ughty SiSters - 35
(Kansas City, kcmo/private place)
Specials 0UT/in🌟PEtiTE• SeXY ☆ BeAUtiFuL PRiNcEsS •☆• GoOD GiRL ☆ GoNe BaD - 24
❤Slippery When💦💦 Don't Miss Out On What U Been Waiting On!!!❤ Here 4 A Limited Time Only - 22
(GLADSTONE and independence, Kansas City)
*Sexy*Foreign*BARBiE!*~ Just Arrived✈️Tonight Only! Call now📱NO AA🚫 - 21
(Kansas City, Kansas City Outcall)
Specials N€W S€Xy, YoUnG & P€tit€ Pl@¥M@t€ °..° German/ Italian BuNN¥ 100% HOT & 100% R€@L - 19
(Kansas City, kansas city missouri)
**SOMETHING NEW AND EXCITING **~~ Come Play With Me** ~~*Amazing*~~ *Alisha** - 24
(Kansas City, By Stadium area)
SP€CiALS★•°o°•★ B€ÅUTiFUL ★•°o°•★ P€TiT€ ★•°o°•★ STUNNiNG ★•°o°•★ PLAYMAT€ ★•°o°•★ - 25
(Kansas City, call for more info)
Specials 100HH‼️ DONT MISS OUT ON ME🔥❤️ Dominican Beauty In Town🔥❤️ Sweet & Spicy🔥❤️🔥 Come Play Papi❤️❤️😘🙋🏻 - 24
(Kansas City, Westport/ Country Club Plaza Incalls)