Sun 05 Jan
LAST DAY💎⭐️Ts Aria Alekzandra⭐️💎👑 💎🌟Upscale 😍 BEAUTIFUL😍😘Ẹ¥Ẹ💎👑 ₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖 💎 NOW AVAILABLE💕💎 - 23
(San Jose, San Jose / South Bay)
THICK DIKK_ PRETTY FACE_38DD BREAST_round PHATT apple BUTT were can u go rong! yes im stilll here - 22
(San Antonio)
💦Exotic beauty visting TS Ivory hard TOP 🔨 & BOTTOM 🍰 】 🎥✓🚘 ⇖✘⇗ 💞🎀✰ 🍆 11FF 💦💦 😜 ✰ - 20
(Boston, South Boston)
********** ExOTic WitH a HuGe SecReT ************ 10.5in FF* ~Amari~ 1 nite Only
(BACKBAY Newbury ST.)
Super_SexY! Ts *Misstress ASHLEY💝 _iCe CREAM SuNdAE w/10 TOPPINGS 💝 1/2 sHEmaLE + 1/2 HORSE = FUN - 24
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS near 101 and 405 fwys)
(((must see))) F/F Versatile 8 inch CANDY - 21
(Sherman Oaks, off the 101 HOLLYWOOD (franklin & gower))
Come Worship All Of My Tasty Rattlesnake"THE SHEMALE DESTROYER" Largest TS Endowment 11' ADULT X X X - 24
(Downtown, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, WEST HOLLYWOOD)
Erotic massage and kinky fetish fun with TS JOLENE ("Jojo")... up late! - 49
(San Fernando Valley, South LA near LAX)
🌺🌺🔥💋Beautiful and Sensual TS Ready for You 💖🔥 🌺🌺 - 26
(Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks, Magnolia blvd, Westside)
ღ╮✳️ 【READY NoW 】 ✳️╭ღ╯ 【LeT's】✿★✿▬📳【MAkE╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯🚺 【YoUR】▬✿✿▬ 【Fantasy】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯💟 【BEcOmE】▬❎❎❎▬【TrUe - 28
(North Hollywood, San Fernando Valley)
... ** . ..... ... ..)) EroTic ErOtIc MASSAGGE CaLl NOW ((. .. ..... ...... ...** .... - 21
(San Diego, by the freway 15)
!!!Versatile passable ts!!! New to town!! dont miss your chance only here for two days !! - 21
(Mission Valley)
Very beautiful Friendly Transsexual.***I love kissing.Very good girl for First Timer - 26
(San Diego, NORTH PARK)
//////// ThE MoSt WaNtEd //// TS //// In SaN DiEgO ////// ErOtIC MASSAGE ////////// - 21
(San Diego, by the freway 15)
TS TAMIA ° °•★•° °BEAUTIFUL AND SEXY TS..° °•★•° °PASSIONATE° °... 10 delicious sorprise.° °•★•° ° - 21
(San Diego, mission valley / downtown)
SeXy TS TOp and BoTtom available xoxooxo kinky hot.. and more AvAlLaBlE - 23
(San Diego, NORTH PARK 805 & UNIVERSITY av)
Hi Dont Be Shy and Say Hi come and get a hot erotic sensual massage visiting oceanside - 23
(San Diego, oceanside)
I have a hard 9" bonus between my luscious long legs that compliment my juicy apple shaped booty - 25
(Mission Valley)
GoRgEoUs Ts AvALiAbLE FoR HoT FaNtAsY CoMe TrUe DoNT Be ShYe AnD CaLl NoW SeXy AnGeL WiLl MaKe IT - 23
""HoT"" Ts "AvAliAbLE "NoW WiLlInG" To MaKe U HoT FaNtAsYs CoMe TrUe 36 DD - 21
(San Diego, by the freway 15)
HOR NY Tr A nSse Xu Al A VAi LaBLE - 22
GoRgEoUs NaTuRaL FuNcTiOnAl hot TrAnSeXuAl WaItiNg FoR SeRiOuS CaLLeRs - 23
(San Diego, (SD CITY HEIGHTS AND FWY 15 ))
B◯RN ★➋☆ Please ▂▃ WiTH◯UT★ A☆Doubt ▂▃ best★GIRL☆ RIGHT★HERE▂▃D◯NT ★MiSS ☆◯Ut*. - - 27
(Chula Vista, San Diego)
♥♥Double the fun w/ Two sexy TS , one great experience !!! Call Now! ♥♥ - 23
(San Diego, point loma (incall))
EVERY BACHELORS DREAM -the married mans best kept secret Exotic SHEMALE MISSTRESS Ashley XL 10" FF - 23
(San Diego, Hotel Circle)
Here to prove things are BIGGER in TEXAS ****TS LELA ***** Just Arrived - 22
(mission valley/hotel circle)
Sexy, Passable, PRE-OP SHEMALE! Wanna Have a Mind Blowing Time? - 19
(Bellingham, Everett, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Skagit County, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, Yakima)
Op Ladyboy, Chriselle visting Boston Wednesday through Sunday only! Call TODAY! High in DEMAND! - 23
I have a thing for guys in dark dress socks - 22
(Big Island, Honolulu (Oahu), Kauai, Maui, everywhere)
███🆕███ ▒▒▒🆕▒▒▒▒ 💛 SWEET 💖 IN°· ALL ·° THE 💙 RIGHT 💗 PLACES 💚 (VIDEO/X-RATED)█🆕███ ▒▒▒🆕▒▒▒▒ - 22
(, Providencè Place Mall Exit)
🎀🎀🎀 👠👠👠💋💎They Call ME 10in T.s Damn I had A GOOD Time with Her - 23
(Hartford, Downtown Hartford/Ffunctional and Big)
☑The Best Massage In Town ☑ 💯ME♥»Real Photos ☑ Professional and LISENCED massuese experience - 26
(Portland, (Avail incall ) Private parking)
💋 SEXY ASIAN TS 💋___________________ BEAUTIFUL & FRIENDLY :___ UR DESIRES FULFILLED 347-669-4323 - 25
(Portland, PORTLAND SW, near I5)
💋 SEXY ASIAN TS 💋___________________ BEAUTIFUL & FRIENDLY💋 ___ UR DESIRES FULFILLED 347-669-4323 - 25
(Portland, SW Portland. By I5, exit 296)
****** ~ THE GOLDEN TOUCH**** ~ China Doll PRINCESS ♚ ~****** ♥»NEW* Portland's Best Massage in Town - 26
(Portland, Incall massage ☑ JACUZZI avail:)
TS Krissi Couture spotted in Harrisburg; This will be my last month in PA:( t4m - 68
(Harrisburg, Harrisburg 4/18 & 4/19)
1000% Real pics 🎥FaceTime proof💕 Ts Monica 💞💞💞 Stop right here💕💕💕 I'm More Beautiful in person - 24
(Harrisburg, Harrisburg / Eisenhower)
Sexxy Blonde Bombshell offering an Erotic Fun and Exciting Massage call now - 30
(Seattle, west Seattle)
*!* S__E__X__Y *!*__F__R__I__E __N__D__L__Y*!* B__E__A__U__T __I__U__L*!* TS*!* H__E__R__E *!* - 26
💠💠🎾 MUST SEE: 💠💠 S.E.X.Y _ A.S.I.A.N _ TRANSEXUAL: 👈🏻💠💢💠HOURGLASS Figure. MODEL Looks & Legs - 26
(Seattle, SOUTH OF SEATTLE, near 5 and 405)
FIDDLE DUDDY my FRAGGLE ROCK this FRIDAY Night with Ts Michelle!!.. - 39
Hot ★ •* N A U G T H Y •Transsexual• H O T T I E *• ★ Don't Miss Out!!! - 23
LAST 2 days in BELLEVUE area- what you see is what you get super rock hard mistress - 27
(Bellevue ( upscale hotel), Seattle)
1000% —— real PICSGuranteed ME —AVAILABLE NOW❤️❤️ - 27